The electronics pole

GeePs Pôle Electronique Onde et Propagation (OP) Compatibilité Electromagnétique (CEM) Electronique Integree, Circuits et Systèmes (ICS) Capteurs, Matériaux Fonctionnels (CMF) Contrôle Electromagnétique des Matériaux et des Structures (CEMES) PhotoVoltaïque (PV) NanoMatériaux, NanoDispositifs et NanoCaractérisation (nanoMDC) Contacts Electriques et Dispositifs de Connexion (CEDC)

Electronics pole – wave, components and systems

The "Electronics pole" aims to respond to the societal challenges defined in the GeePs scientific project, by offering a range of solutions and methods in the field of physical information processing. 

To this end, it is developing a strategy that promotes transversality and studies at interfaces, and conducts research in close collaboration with the industrial fabric and the academic world on a national and international level. It focuses its activities around : 

  • Low consumption, miniaturisation and reliability of integrated circuits and systems (autonomy of connected objects, biosensors).
  • Mastering the generation, propagation and detection of electromagnetic waves (detection, localisation and focusing of energy and information)
  • Multiphysical coupling of functional materials (micro energy sources)
  • Electromagnetic control of complex environments and EMC (modelling and inverse problem)

The "Electronics pole", structured around six themes, four of which are cross-disciplinary, has strong skills in the field of integrated electronics, electromagnetic waves and sensors. For all these activities, it relies on significant hardware and software resources embodied by the two GeePs centres of expertise (experimental characterisation and instrumentation platform and computer and calculation resources for multiphysical and electromagnetic modelling).


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